Fury of the stars - Stahome systemets öde

Berättelser från slagfälten och turneringarna
Inlägg: 491
Blev medlem: 25 nov 2011, 23:11
Ort: Malmö

Fury of the stars - Stahome systemets öde

Inlägg av stormshaft »

Part I.

++++++++ INCOMING MESSAGE ++++++++
++ MESSAGE MARK 56152/TNS/94
++ ...
++ ...

++ ...
++ [static noise] ...ansmission of the Glowing Blade. My name is Nyra Jaquarte, captain of the fleet of S:t Maradah. During the course of the last 37 minutes I... [static noise] ... of my vessels, except for this one the Glowing Blade.
[static noise] ...stropaths are dead or dying which is why I despatched this message probe instead of relying on the usual
means for communicating important messages like this.
The Tyranids are coming. Nightblack ships disrupted our jump through the Empyrean, disabling the gellar fields on three of
the smaller ships, killing everyone on board instantly.
The ensuing battle, or more like slaughter, took out the other two ships within 20 minutes after us breaking thro...[static noise].. arp.
You must muster any and all forces, and do it fast. They are coming, even now I hear them roaring and chattering... Emperor protect my soul..
They will break the blast doors any minute now. Relay the message as far as you can, before your astropaths fall under the shadow as well.

May the Emperor protect you.

This is the last transmssion of the Glowing Blade. My name is Ny... [static noise]

++ ...
++ ...
++ ...

++ MESSAGE MARK 94322/RRN/55
++ ...
++ This is General Aramus Tyto of planet Shandra in the Stahome system, Lafata subsector.
Requesting immediate assistance against probable Tyranid Invasion. Mustering all pdf and relaying all information to the rest of the sector. The Adeptus Arbites are currently occupied fighting an uprising of the Brotherhood of Dawn on the moons of Stahome Prime but I have requested their attention as well.

The Emperor guides us! We will hold the aliens back until we get reinforcements.

++ ...
++ ...
Senast redigerad av 1 stormshaft, redigerad totalt 15 gånger.

Inlägg: 491
Blev medlem: 25 nov 2011, 23:11
Ort: Malmö

Re: Fury of the stars - Stahome systemets öde

Inlägg av stormshaft »

Part II.

She woke up with a banging head again. Not from usual headache but some sort of odd mental pressure, pushing down on her.
It had gotten worse over the last few days. Though blind since childbirth there was something entirely different forming shadows in the perifery of her perception. Like a void that pressed her frontal lobe inwards and made her lose balance and track of where she was.
Sunni was constantly sweating, even if the summer temperatures had long gone and turned into colder nights and windier days.
Her mother had felt concerned and contacted the local Ministorum clercs and priests but none of them could really tell what was wrong or going on with her, in all ways and purposes she was fine and all they told the worried parent was to keep praying to the Emperor for help, strength and guidance.
The Ecclesiarchy was hard pressed these days as well, the sudden outburst of riots, murders and chaos from the members of the Brotherhood of Dawn had set large groups of people against the hard hand of the Imperial rule in general and the Arbites squads in particular.
Appearantly the cult had roots from the lowest citizens of Hive Aggrah's slums all the way up to ruling castes in the Spires, the planetary government and even the planetary defense forces of Stahome Prime seemed divided with more than a few of the ranking officers joining the Brotherhood to fight against former friends and regiments. Resulting in the tragic and traitorous death of her father and brother during one of the riots.

Sunni sat up on the corner of her bed, rubbing her temples with her fingers, trying to think of anything but her throbbing head.
Nothing seemed to help but sleeping, and even then she dreamed dreams of whispers and noises from people and places she had never heard of or talked to. Sometimes there were panicked screams in her nightmares, and crying from unknown sources around her.
At the moment there were nothing though, but she couldn't shake the feeling of unnatural, heavy silence trying to push itself into her head and thoughts.
She found her cane next to the bed, cold to the touch as always, a light metallic alloy with the familiar head of a twoheaded eagle on the tip.
She had gotten it on a birthday so long ago that it felt like it had always been at her side, guiding her every step like some old canine helper some of the richer families could afford.

A jolt of searing pain shot through her head and she fell screaming to her knees. A humming noise bubbled to the surface of the silent darkness in her head. She could tell she was crying, her cheeks and palms were soaking wet, but with a strange sticky substance. Was it blood? She didn't know and the humming turned louder, much like the sound of a million impossibly large insects flapping their membranous wings in the night. She screamed louder but somehow felt the rush of wind when her bedroom door was slammed open.
"Mother! Help me!" But she was greeted with only the silent observance of whoever had opened the door.
Sunni tried to reach for her cane but it had rolled away out of reach somewhere, and she caught the foot of the other person standing over her.
Suddenly strong hands lifted her off the cold floor and into the air. The chittering and humming got worse, like thousands of whispering voices talking at the same time, and yet the emptiness and coldness of the space surrounding her every sense.

"You have been chosen girl", the person spoke to her while still holding her up in the air.
Sunni sobbed and tried to come to her senses but it was all but impossible.
"Where is mother? Chosen for what?"
There was silence but she could feel the stranger observing her, not only physically but somehow invading her thoughts as well.
The next sentence was not spoken aloud, but she heard it nonetheless.
"You have been given the honour to recieve a gift from our Father, to help further our ... numbers..."
Sunni tried to find her focus again, and said aloud: "But my father is dead."
Once again the answer came in her head.
"Not your father. Not yet."
"I .. I don't understand."
"Your understanding is not needed. They are coming, the masters are coming...."
Senast redigerad av 1 stormshaft, redigerad totalt 16 gånger.

Inlägg: 491
Blev medlem: 25 nov 2011, 23:11
Ort: Malmö

Re: Fury of the stars - Stahome systemets öde

Inlägg av stormshaft »

Part III.

Scout Sergeant Quinticus of the thirteenth legion stood up among the rubble that was once one of the Spires in Hive Aggrah.
None of this made any sense, he signaled to the rest of his squad, the young recruits he had the honour to teach and train, to search the area for clues.
The Lord-Inquisitor Nero had requisited the help of the Ultramarines in halting a hitherto unkown Tyranid Hive Fleet that had assaulted the Stahome sector a few days ago.
On their way back to Macragge, Quinticus and his five apprentices had turned back to assess the situation before the second company could make contact with the world.
They had expected the Hive fleet to be in full assault on the systems planet, most likely Stahome Prime since it had the largest numbers of residents of all the planets in the system.
When their vessel had broken out of the Empyrean they had been ready for stealth operations, and that the dreaded so called Shadow in the Warp that surrounded the Tyranid fleets would make an communication through the warp impossible.
However, there was nothing of the sort. Scattered remains of biosignals floating in low orbit around the Hive World, but not of the magnitude expected during a Tyranid Attack.
When the vessel 'Beacon of Ultramar' had reached Stahome Prime, they realised that something disastrous had happened to the Hive Fleet, and decided to touch down on the surface and look for themselves.

And here they were, looking out across the ruins. Clearly the attack from the Tyranids had quickly obliterated any defense that had been prepared, and most likely taken out any opposition within hours of reaching orbit.
There were no plantlife left to talk about, even in the gardens and parks of the upper class residents in the Spires. And no human survivors, suggesting that the Tyranids had started and maybe even finished with the digestion phase of their invasion.
Unusuably quick, it usually takes at least a few weeks to reach that particular phase, Quinticus thought.
"Sergeant, I found something. Someone. You need to get here quick."
"Acknowledged Numas, I'm on my way", Quinticus took a few quick steps up on the second floor of what had once been a power station, but was now more of a crater ladled with cables and broken power couplings.
Down below he saw both Numas and his twin brother Aquada kneeling over what looked like the first other human they had seen at all since they landed.

"What happened here, servant of the Emperor" Quinticus asked the man in torn Ministorum garbs. "Jyhnson" the man coughed.
"What did you say?"
"Jyhnson, the name is Jyhnson", he grimaced badly.
"What happened here Father Jyhnson", Quinticus asked him again.
"... the Tyranids. They had somehow infiltrated every corner of the planet". He took a pause to catch his breath, a trickle of blood running from his left ear. "It started out on the moons at first, riots and killings, the Arbites reacted quickly but had no real chance at the numbers of cultists that sprang up like fleas from a dead dog."
"Cultists?" asked Numas, "what do cultists have to do with this?"
"Listen to the man, recruit." Quinticus kneeled down beside Jyhnson and saw that the man did not have a lot of time left, one leg mangled beyond belief and an open wound on his side that smelled bad.
"They were in league with the Tyranids somehow, as soon as their ships reached the range of our defense lasers, coordinated explosions tore them to pieces. Explosives placed by the traitorous scum that bowed to the alien masters.
Jyhnson seemed to drift off, his eyes going blank and he moaned something incomprehensible.
"Please go on Priest."
"Aahhhh.. they started eating and tearing us to pieces, methodically clearing block after block, they somehow knew where people hid and how to find them. But I found a hiding spot underneath our temple."
Quinticus rose to his feet again, "not uncommon, these so called Genestealer Cults infiltrate the worlds first, secretly growing in number and starting to infiltrate as many important places as possible. And as they swarm grows they seemingly send out some sort of signal or pheromone trail to their fleet that they have found a world ripe for harvest."
"Yes... yes... Genestealers... multi limbed daemons, they came from the tunnels and must've cleared out the lower levels hours before the landing of the rest had even begun."
Quinticus pondered the fact for a moment, "They must have infiltrated their way through the regular populace, through the pdf and possibly even higher than that."
Numas looked at his brother with a disgusted face, "we need to cleanse the world from these aliens" and Aqueda nodded in silence.
Jyhnson screamed out in pain and terror, "AAHHH! But they are cleansed!"
"Yes, clearly something happened to the Tyranids and their fleet, did you witness it?" Quinticus was trying to get a last bit of information out of the dying man on the ground.
"Uhh... something else attacked them during last night, and it was not us. At first I thought it was Astartes but ..... AAAHHHHHHH...."
"Jyhnson, but what!" Quinticus was getting agitated by the mans way of not getting to the point.
The priest coughed more blood and was getting paler and paler by the second.
Suddenly he sat straight up, gazing out into the distance with bloodshot eyes.
Father Jyhnson facial features told of true terror and madness. He shivvered as he whispered:
"Eunteph Neptesh... the Harbinger of Nyadra'zatha.

Quinticus opened up a channel to the crew of his ship.
"Immediate connection with astropaths on the fleet en route, emergency message for mission command."
Without any hesitation the crewmembers relayed Quinticus to their main fleet, still on their way through the Empyrean.

"This is Sergeant Quinticus of scout squad Theta, reporting from Stahome Prime, we urgently need to reassess the situation, and probably rearm ourselves."
"Acknowledged Sergeant, define the request."
"Probable ambush, no Tyranid opposition encountered."
He was met by a few long moments of silence, some delay probably came from disturbances caused by Warp communication, but it felt longer than necessary.
"Mission command, do you read me."
"Acknowledged Sergeant, define new opposition."

But Quinticus never had a chance to reply, the communicator was instantly overloaded with strange noises and static disturbances. A sudden flash of impossibly bright light was followed by a wave of heat that rivaled the heat of a meltagun fired at close range, and something impossibly ancient and enormous seemed to step out of a torn hole in the air.
Scout squad Theta fired their boltguns at the invader but to no avail, they were all consumed by the waves of rolling flame that roared out of the creatures chest.
Jyhnons last sight in life was a one-eyed being of turquoise, gold and dark metal carrying a glowing cube.
It stepped out from behind the Sun-creature to grasp the priests' screaming face with cold metallic hands.
Senast redigerad av 4 stormshaft, redigerad totalt 16 gång.

Inlägg: 491
Blev medlem: 25 nov 2011, 23:11
Ort: Malmö

Re: Fury of the stars - Stahome systemets öde

Inlägg av stormshaft »

Part IV.

Ape-descendants, this is Eunteph Neptesh, the Harbinger of Nyadra'zatha, Harvester of Anyakh, Fury of the Stars, Overlord of Ju'ha and member of the ruling council of the Nihilakh Dynasty.
This star and it's host of planetoids belong to the ever-living wisdom and rule of the Necrontyr.
My Crypteks encountered one of your child-herders and its runts on the soil of one of our sacred resting worlds. We disrupted and eradicated the insects that you call Tyranids, our harvest-machines erasing their existance on the surface as well as in orbit.
My royal council of Ezrehm, Herald of Ju'Ha, Lord Nephrekk and my Enlightener Sept of Crypteks have all taken great insult from your invasion of our worlds.
We demand that you leave at least 10 of your best soldiers for my Crypteks to examine.
We demand that you send message to your leaders of our supreme rule in this sector of the galaxy.
We demand that you pay tribute to both my legions as well as that of Nyadra'zatha, the Burning One.
We demand that you leave this sector immediately after fulfilling these demands, and never to return.

These demands are not negotiable, nor will we let you leave before you fulfill them.
Failure to comply will be met with your total eradication. You have the time of one lunar orbit of this planet to reply before I awake the harvest-machines again.
Do not take my aptitude for your ape-language as weakness on my behalf.

We are awake and we are watching you from beyond the veil of stars.
You would be wise not to keep us waiting.

Senast redigerad av 2 stormshaft, redigerad totalt 16 gång.

Inlägg: 7511
Blev medlem: 14 nov 2009, 22:09
Ort: Linköping

Re: Fury of the stars - Stahome systemets öde

Inlägg av Röde »

Ser riktigt lovande ut. Mycket trevlig läsning. Jag vill ha mer...
-Inte regelböjspucko, fluffmongo.

Inlägg: 1235
Blev medlem: 11 aug 2010, 07:31

Re: Fury of the stars - Stahome systemets öde

Inlägg av L3go »

Division 5.
Captaingallas skrev:Blir det trångt i bokhyllan när svärmen växer kan jag alltid förvara dem på kylskåpet!

Inlägg: 23
Blev medlem: 19 maj 2014, 18:56

Re: Fury of the stars - Stahome systemets öde

Inlägg av SysterNiklas »

Ska bli fantastiskt kul imorgon när mina Ultramarines ska försvara resterna av Strahome prime :)

Inlägg: 491
Blev medlem: 25 nov 2011, 23:11
Ort: Malmö

Re: Fury of the stars - Stahome systemets öde

Inlägg av stormshaft »

Tack. :)

Imorgon blir det drabbning! Återkommer med den riktiga rapporten när jag sammanställt den. (Kompenserar nästan helt omålad lista med överarbetat flufftrams.)

Inlägg: 40
Blev medlem: 03 jun 2014, 12:03
Ort: Staffanstorp

Re: Fury of the stars - Stahome systemets öde

Inlägg av Klurig »

Vafalls! Omålat!? Nej då blir det inget! :P

Ska bli riktigt kul att lira imorgon. Har inte mött Necrons nån gång så det blir en utmaning för den heliga inkvisitionen och de ärbara Adeptus Astartes.

He who allows the alien to live shares in the crime of its existence.

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