Combined Fire
When using the Combined Fire rule, wargear that normally confers rules to a models unit (like Multi Spectrum Sensor Suit) only affect that unit, not all units joining the attack.
Screamer Slashing Attacks and cover saves
Models wounded by a Screamer Slashing Attack may take Cover Saves, but only if the models are in terrain (i.e. not for being behind terrain or intervening models), or is granted a Cover Save by a wargear or special rule.
Models with Jink may not Jink when attacked by a Slashing Attack, but may take the Cover Saves granted from Jink if they has Jinked earlier that turn.
Preferred Enemy and mixed units
Models only benefit from the Preferred Enemy special rule if at least half the unit they are attacking consists of models that is specified in the Preferred Enemy criteria.
Blood Tithe Points for slain Character
A Blood Tithe Point is generated whenever a Character with the Blood for the Blood God! Special rule is slain, whether this was in a Challenge or not.
Blood Tithe Points and summoned Flying Monstrous Creatures
A Flying Monstrous Creature may choose which flight mode it enters play in immediately after it Deep Strikes.
Super Heavy Walkers and passengers firing
Passengers firing from a Super Heavy Walker that has moved count as having been moved by a vehicle moving at Combat Speed.
Entering Ongoing Reserves with models with Deep Strike
Models with the Deep Strike special rule may choose to re-enter play either by moving in from the table edge, or by Deep Strike. This choice is done by their controlling player at the time the unit is put (or forced) into Ongoing Reserves.
Wall of Death and Snap Fire
Weapons with the Wall of Death special rule may still fire Overwatch, even if the model may only fire Snap Shots (for having Jinked or firing at an Invisible unit, for example).
Tank Shock and crushed models [Rules change]
A model forced to move from being Tank Shocked must primarily try to maintain unit coherency. If this cannot be done, it must instead try to move within 2” of another model from its unit, including other models being Tank Shocked. If a model still cannot be placed, it is Crushed and removed as a casualty.
En kommentar om Tank Shocken. Just nu känns det inte riktigt som att communityn i helhet har förstått reglerna för Tank Shock så som de är skrivna RAW, och utan att fullt veta så kan man inte riktigt ta ett beslut på hur det bör spelas. Jag själv, och många med mig, anser att detta (RAW) inte främjar ett roligt spelklimat; det är mer ett icke intuitivt hål i reglerna som vanligtvis kommer att fyllas genom att man råkar ut för detta på en turnering. Därför tog vi beslutet att förändra Tank Shock-reglerna så att det blir svårare att automatdöda modeller. Detta kan komma att bli ett tillfälligt beslut, och hade SM inte vart så snart så hade vi hellre gett communityn lite tid att räkna ut hur detta skall spelas. Vi inväntar bla vad ETC beslutar i frågan. Visar det sig att det skulle bli allmänt accepterat att Tank Shock skall spelas exakt så som det står i reglerna så kommer SvFAQn att ta upp frågan igen.
/Mattias och SvFAQ-gruppen
Uppdateringar som kommer i 7.3
Moderatorer: Katarsis, Argos, DHettNeck
Uppdateringar som kommer i 7.3
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