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Re: LinCon 2016

Postat: 30 mar 2016, 23:00
av Aouto
vi håller på med missions nu och kommer testa dom fram till efter helgen.sedan kommer dom publiceras här. men för att ge er en glimt av vad vi spånar på så ser ni här delarna av uppdragen (eller vad man nu ska kalla det) som vi tittar på

Ass per The rule book.

Slaughter points:
Score 1 VP fore each enemy unit that have been completely destroyed or have fled of the table att the end of the game. Each unit that was destroyed in Close combat award 1 Additional VP fore a total of 2 VP(max Diff 6)

Contact lost:
Att the start Of your game turn Draw tactical objective up to the number of Objective markers you control att the start of that turn. If you control equal to ore less objective markers than the card in your hand Draw 1 card up to a maximum of 7. A player may only score 3 tactical objectives cards per turn.(max Diff 6)

Tactical objectives:
Each turn draw up to 5 cards to your hand each player may only score 3 tactical objective cards per turn.

the player that control the most objective markers at the end of the game turn receives 1VP if its a tie each player receives 1VP. Do not count relics as objective markers for this purpose. (maxDiff 6)

Table corners:
At the end of the game each player receives 2VP for each table corners they control. To control a table quarter they must have a Unit fully whitin 18 inch of the corner and no enemy unit fully whitin that corner. (max Diff 6)

Multiple line breaker:
functions as regular line breaker but can be scored multiple times. Att the end of the game count the units within 12 inch of the opponents table edge and score that many VP. Units consisting of multiple Independent characters only count as one unit. (max Diff 6)

King off the hill:
att the end of the game count each unit at least partially whiting 6 inch of the center of the board and each player score that many objectives(max Diff 6)

Turn Objectives:
Att the end of game the turn The player that control objective marker X (where X is equal to the game turn) Score 1 VP ,if the players reach game turn 7 the can score 1Vp if they manage to Score 2 Objective markers That when added together become 7(not more, not less)(max Diff 6)


Control Ground: the player that controls the most table quarters score 1 VP att the end of the game. To control a table quarter No enemy unit may be within that table quarter and the player must have one of his own at least partially within (A unit may only control 1 quarter.)

Objective king: the player that control the most objective markers score 1 additional VP.

Im alive:
Score 1VP if youre warlord is alive

Last blood:
The player that killed the last unit of the game receives 1 VP.

Breaking the pease:
The players that kills the first unit in the game resives -1 VP to the end game score to a minimum of 0VP

Vid eventuella oklarheter så är det bra om ni frågar så jag kan skriva om och göra dom lättare att förstå ;)

Re: LinCon 2016

Postat: 31 mar 2016, 15:06
av Aouto
Efter lite diskussioner inom föreningen så har vi kommit fram till att inte tillåta Suppremasy korten på Lincon den här gången.

Re: LinCon 2016

Postat: 31 mar 2016, 16:10
av Hawk
Ser kanon ut och jag ser fram emot det! En fråga. Vad betyder "Killpoint ass the rule book"?

Re: LinCon 2016

Postat: 31 mar 2016, 19:08
av Aouto
Killpoints funkar som i regel boken det är jag som är slarvig med stavningen.

Re: LinCon 2016

Postat: 31 mar 2016, 19:23
av DHettNeck
Aouto skrev:Killpoints funkar som i regel boken det är jag som är slarvig med stavningen.
Det är bra att skriva upp hur det funkar, då kill points inte finns som regel längre i 7:th.

Re: LinCon 2016

Postat: 31 mar 2016, 20:31
av Twinkle
Kul med en lista på olika VP system som man kan använda sig av i ett scenario. Gillar alla utom möjligen "Contact Lost".

Re: LinCon 2016

Postat: 01 apr 2016, 19:38
av Paymaster
(max Diff 6)= max diff 6 vp?

Re: LinCon 2016

Postat: 02 apr 2016, 08:09
av Aouto
Paymaster skrev:(max Diff 6)= max diff 6 vp?

Re: LinCon 2016

Postat: 03 apr 2016, 10:24
av Trulsante
Hej! Ni får gärna trycka in att jag (Andreas Kjell) tillhör TOK någon gång innan vi spelar :) Vill inte möta de mina första rundan.

Re: LinCon 2016

Postat: 06 apr 2016, 04:46
av Pärssi