Alexander Singleton

Placering 32
Rankingpoäng 34088
ID #12833
Datum Turnering Plac. Delt. Poäng
2024-10-19 Malmö Wargaming Weekend 8 18 120 4200
2024-10-12 SSG GT Goes Solo? 6 48 6000
2024-09-22 Grand Fanatic III [Lag:4] 9 104 2364
2024-09-07 Games of Westeros XVIII [Lag:5] 8 110 2200
2024-08-24 SSG Teams V The Thin Line Between Black and Dataslate! [Lag:5] 1 40 2667
2024-08-03 ÖK-spelen GT 7 64 7111
2024-05-11 SSG Teams IV The Internet is for Khorne! [Lag:5] 1 50 3333
2024-04-13 Springtime Slaughter - Miniature Metropolis 4 24 2400
2024-03-16 Grimdark 20: March Massacre 32 48 847
2024-02-24 Games of Westeros XVII 27 84 2772
2024-02-10 SSG Teams III Big WAAAGH Energy! [Lag:5] 5 50 1429
2024-01-27 Grimdark 19: January jumpstart 1 45 9000
2023-12-16 Grimdark 18: The Grand Tournament 27 52 1793
2023-12-02 Games of Westeros XVI - Team Tournament [Lag:5] 8 110 2200
2023-11-25 Grimdark 17: No Eldar November 6 44 3300
2023-11-18 SSG Foursome after School [Lag:4] 1 32 4444
2023-10-14 Grimdark 16: Orktober 32 50 882
2023-09-17 Grimdark 15: Noobhammer 15 46 1624
2023-09-02 Games Of Westeros XV 73 80 1067
2023-08-19 Grimdark 14: Indexhammer 27 54 1862
Inaktuella turneringar (äldre än 18 månader)
Datum Turnering Plac. Delt. Poäng
2023-05-06 Grimdark 13: The Grand Tournament 3 21 50 2174
2023-04-01 Grimdark 12: Fool Me Once.. 11 46 3538
2023-03-04 Games Of Westeros XIV 68 86 1151
2023-02-18 Grimdark 11: Fu%#in February 13 46 3067

Turneringar markerade med en asterisk (*) är inte spelade i 10th edition och räknas därför inte till rankingen.