Kim Olsson

Placering 48
Rankingpoäng 27409
ID #12397
Datum Turnering Plac. Delt. Poäng
2024-12-07 GRIMDARK 23: Julkänslor 3 32 6400
2024-11-30 Viking Games - Rise of the Valkyries 4 28 4667
2024-11-09 Waaghmaster II 17 18 947
2024-10-12 SSG GT Goes Solo? 26 48 1714
2024-09-28 Wettcon 2024 höst 15 42 2471
2024-08-17 Viking Games - War of the Nine Realms 8 14 1400
2024-08-03 ÖK-spelen GT 12 64 4571
2024-07-13 SSG Beerhammer! 2 10 1500
2024-06-29 Krig i Kragstalund 4 8 14 840
2024-06-01 Viking Games - The Battle for Vanheim 7 33 3667
2024-05-25 GRIMDARK 21: New venues to conquer! 8 32 3200
2024-05-11 SSG Teams IV The Internet is for Khorne! [Lag:5] 6 50 1250
2024-03-16 Grimdark 20: March Massacre 13 48 1920
2024-03-02 March For Glory - Minature Metropolis 2 16 2400
2024-02-24 Games of Westeros XVII 21 84 3496
2024-02-10 SSG Teams III Big WAAAGH Energy! [Lag:5] 7 50 1111
2024-01-27 Grimdark 19: January jumpstart 18 45 1350
2024-01-06 Defcon 2024 17 44 2316
2023-12-16 Grimdark 18: The Grand Tournament 10 52 4333
2023-12-02 Games of Westeros XVI - Team Tournament [Lag:5] 21 110 957
2023-11-25 Grimdark 17: No Eldar November 5 44 3771
2023-11-18 SSG Foursome after School [Lag:4] 6 32 1667
2023-10-14 Grimdark 16: Orktober 14 50 1875
2023-09-02 Games Of Westeros XV 54 80 1429
Inaktuella turneringar (äldre än 18 månader)
Datum Turnering Plac. Delt. Poäng
2023-07-29 Viking Games - Guardian of the Bifrost 12 18 1286
2023-05-06 Grimdark 13: The Grand Tournament 3 24 50 1923
2023-03-04 Games Of Westeros XIV 37 86 2067
2023-02-18 Grimdark 11: Fu%#in February 18 46 2300
2023-01-07 Defcon 2023 19 22 1048
2022-11-26 GOW XIII [Lag:5] 5 70 2000
2022-10-15 Grimdark 9: Votann is Fine 33 40 686
2022-09-17 Grimdark 8: Autumn of hate 22 40 1667
2022-09-03 Games of Westeros XII 46 91 1690
2022-08-20 Grimdark 7: August Animosity 24 40 1538
2022-08-13 Väshammer @ Katcon 8 16 1600
2022-07-16 Krig i Kragstalund 2 6 12 1500
2022-07-02 Summer Is Coming - GT 15 40 2353
2022-05-14 Games Of Westeros XI 43 85 1789
2022-05-07 Salty Saturday RTT #2 4 24 4000
2022-04-02 Grimdark Open: The Grand Tournament! 24 34 1308
2022-03-05 Eye of Terror 1 18 26 1300
2022-01-16 Väshammer Tour Battle 1 9 10 909
2021-10-02 Eskilstuna Rtt 6 12 1500
2021-08-29 Krig i Kragstalund 1 6 10 1250

Turneringar markerade med en asterisk (*) är inte spelade i 10th edition och räknas därför inte till rankingen.