Joakim Engström

Placering 17
Rankingpoäng 45755
ID #10043
Förening GAST
Datum Turnering Plac. Delt. Poäng
2025-01-25 TOK Endagars 14 34 1275
2024-11-01 TTT-2024 [Lag:4] 11 104 2000
2024-10-19 Malmö Wargaming Weekend 8 2 120 21000
2024-09-28 Wettcon 2024 höst 7 42 4667
2024-05-25 GTG Endagars 40k pizza brawl 2 14 2100
2024-05-11 Geddon RTT I 5 14 1200
2024-02-24 TOK-spelen 9 27 2455
2024-01-20 Gedon RTT - Fläsket är Svagt II 17 28 884
2024-01-06 Defcon 2024 20 44 2000
2023-11-18 West Coast GT (Nov) 4 32 5333
2023-10-21 Malmö Wargaming Weekend VII 6 96 10200
Inaktuella turneringar (äldre än 18 månader)
Datum Turnering Plac. Delt. Poäng
2022-11-04 TTT 2022 [Lag:4] 2 104 6500
2022-10-01 West Coast GT (oktober) 8 14 1400
2022-06-04 Grand Fanatic [Lag:4] 8 91 2275
2022-04-30 GTG’s RTT 30/4 2 10 2500
2022-03-05 West Coast RTT (mar) 8 24 2400
2021-12-11 West Coast GT (dec) 17 30 1579
2021-10-23 Malmö Wargaming Weekend V 6 102 10275
2021-07-17 Sommarspelen I Bohus Del 2 9 10 909
2021-07-10 Sommarspelen i Bohus 7 10 1111
2020-09-26 WCT GT Part 2 11 30 2308
2020-08-29 Varbergs GT 2020 7 26 2889
2020-08-22 Wolfcon Summer 2020 9 20 1818
2020-03-07 *Games of Westeros IX 39 108 2020
2019-12-07 *Games of Westeros VIII 5 80 11429
2019-11-23 *Gothenburg Tabletop Showdown I RTT 2 19 4750
2019-11-01 *TTT 2019 [Lag:4] 7 120 3333
2019-10-26 *Malmö Wargaming Weekend 4 22 82 3342
2019-09-21 *Ale ITC del 3 7 36 4000
2019-08-03 *Wolfcon Summer Edition ITC 2019 3 20 4000
2019-06-08 *ITC Ale Del 2 1 11 3667
2019-04-06 *ITC Ale Del 1 3 16 3200
2018-11-02 *TTT 2018 [Lag:4] 13 109 1817
2017-11-03 *TTT 2017 [Lag:4] 5 86 3071
2016-11-04 *Tok Team Tournament [Lag:4] 2 105 6563
2016-03-27 *GothCon 2016 52 70 1296
2016-02-27 *TOKspelen 6 21 2625
2016-01-30 *Gamers Weekend 2 30 7500
2015-12-06 *SM 2015 7 16 1778
2015-11-01 *TOK Team Tournament [Lag:4] 2 105 6563
2015-10-03 *TOK endagars inför TTT 3 18 3600
2015-05-31 *WettCon 8 30 3000
2015-02-28 *TOKSPELEN 1 26 8667
2015-01-31 *Gamers Weekend 2015 2 36 9000
2014-10-31 *TOK Team Tournament [Lag:4] 8 125 3125
2014-08-16 *Summerfight 2014 3 24 4800
2014-07-12 *Warcon Dubbelmys [Lag:2] 1 40 6667
2014-06-28 *Ulricehamns Open IV 9 32 2909
2014-06-14 *TOK 42 3 22 4400
2014-05-29 *Lincon 2014 6 57 7125
2014-04-20 *GothCon 21 92 3530
2014-03-16 *Flabbergast 2014 1 28 9333
2014-02-15 *GoB-Open 6 30 3750
2014-01-25 *Gamers Weekend 5 30 4286
2013-12-07 *SM 2013 3 24 4800
2013-11-01 *TOK Team Tournament 2013 [Lag:4] 2 138 8625
2013-10-19 *TOK 40 9 20 1818
2013-09-21 *Flabbergast 8 40 4000
2013-08-17 *Summerfight 2013 1 36 12000
2013-06-08 *Ulricehamns Open III 25 28 1037
2013-03-29 *Gothcon 1 102 27400
2013-03-09 *TOK37 2 16 4000
2013-01-26 *Gamers Weekend 3 40 8000
2012-11-17 *TOK36 2 24 6000
2012-11-02 *Lagturnering (TOK 35) [Lag:4] 1 123 10250
2012-10-13 *TOK 34 9 24 2182
2012-08-04 *Summerfight 2012 5 24 3429
2012-07-21 *WarCon - Dubbel [Lag:2] 9 20 909
2012-04-06 *GothCon 2012 5 108 11829
2012-03-17 *Varbergsturnering 4 22 3667
2012-01-28 *Gamers Weekend 4 30 5000
2011-12-03 *Svenska 40k Touren 2011 10 22 1833
2011-11-04 *BSK 2011 [Lag:4] 6 204 6375
2011-10-01 *Fantasia Fanatic 7 94 9044
2011-08-06 *Summer Fight 2011 11 30 2308
2011-07-23 *Warcon [Lag:2] 4 36 3000
2011-06-02 *LinCon 2011 1 61 20333
2011-05-28 *Fantasia Fanatic 28 84 2680
2011-04-21 *GothCon 2011 23 117 3348
2011-02-26 *Vinterslaget 2011 1 42 14000
2011-01-29 *Gamers Weekend 5 42 6000
2011-01-07 *DefCon 2011 7 62 6889
2010-11-05 *BSK 2010 [Lag:4] 5 160 5714
2010-10-16 *SO Fall 2010 4 34 5667
2010-10-03 *LBK Touren [Lag:4] 1 16 1333
2010-10-02 *Endagarsturnering inför BSK 1 26 8667
2010-08-21 *SydCon 2010 13 65 4333
2010-05-14 *LinCon 2010 5 63 9000
2010-05-01 *Miniturnering Ylva 2 14 3500
2010-04-24 *Fantasia Fanatic 1 82 26733
2010-04-02 *GothCon 2010 8 128 8480
2010-02-20 *Varbergsturnering 5 26 3714
2010-01-23 *Gamers Weekend 1 14 4667
2010-01-08 *DefCon 2010 1 45 15000
2009-10-30 *BSK 2009 [Lag:4] 8 139 3475
2009-10-03 *Fantasia Fanatic 1 70 23333
2009-09-26 *Skånecupen 2009 8 43 4300
2009-08-01 *SydCon 2009 10 51 4250
2009-06-27 *RydCon 2 29 7250
2009-05-16 *Fantasia Fanatic 4 60 10000
2009-05-02 *Varberg RoE 4 15 2500
2009-04-10 *GothCon 2009 5 109 11843
2009-03-20 *SlemCon 3 36 7200
2009-02-21 *Vinterslaget 2009 8 27 2700
2009-01-17 *Varbergsturnering 16 32 1778
2008-11-22 *Varbergsturnering 9 28 2545
2008-10-31 *BSK 2008 [Lag:4] 2 72 4500
2008-04-19 *Skånecupen 2008 2 49 12250
2007-11-03 *BSK 2007 [Lag:4] 3 55 2750
2007-09-21 *Stockholm Spelkonvent 2007 16 33 1833
2007-09-01 *Tinget 2007 8 16 1600

Turneringar markerade med en asterisk (*) är inte spelade i 10th edition och räknas därför inte till rankingen.